Call for Extraordinary General Assembly (14 October 2023)

Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting of the Mültecilere Yardım Toplulukları Derneği (TMK) for the year 2023 will be held in order to discuss the below stated agenda on Saturday, 14.10.2023 at 10:00, at the address of Beşyol, İnönü caddesi No:38, (İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi Florya Halit Aydın Yerleşkesi) D Blok Zemin Kat, Küçükçekmece, İSTANBUL.
Agenda of the General Assembly
1. Opening and signing the list of attendees,
2. Election of the Council Committee
3. Reading out and voting of the Executive Board report
4. Reading out and voting of the Supervisory Board report
5. Election of the members of compulsory organs of the association
6. Presentation, discussion and approval of the TMK draft action plan
7. Wishes and requests
8. Closing remarks
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